About Us

Top Of The Line Barber School in San Antonio

Welcome to our barber school, where we believe that grooming is an art and every student has the potential to become a skilled artist.

At our school, we offer a comprehensive program that covers all aspects of barbering, from classic cuts to modern styles. Our experienced instructors will provide you with the tools, knowledge, and guidance to develop your skills and excel in the industry.

Founder, Headmaster
David Jones

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Our Purpose

The primary purpose of the Barber Program is to train the student in basic manipulative skills, safety judgements, proper work habits, and desirable attitudes necessary to pass the State Board Examination and for competency in job entry level positions in Barbering or related career fields.

Our Mission

The missions of Top Of The Line Barber School is to provide each student with TOP OF THE LINE knowledge and skills, not only to pass the state licensing requirements, but to build a foundation for continuing education in each student’s professional field with the objective of obtaining the highest degree of excellence to establish and maintain a lifelong and rewarding professional career.
Find Us

5806 Walzem Rd, San Antonio, TX, 78218